Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Powers Awakening

At first, I was going to name the trilogy "The Cylinders of Power", and the first book was to be called The Awakening. However, it seemed too cliche and genre-limiting for me. My wife said that it was too much of a science fiction title, which could be off-putting to certain readers. Plus, looking up "The Awakening" in the Kindle store brought up about 9,000 book titles. I wanted something more unique.

I brainstormed with my wife for about half an hour while shopping, and she came up with this new title. Powers Awakening. I loved it. It wasn't so ambiguous that someone would bypass it in a library, and the syllables sound good together. It's also completely unique, which is always helpful. With the title change, the trilogy is also simply going to be called "The Cylinders". So, Powers Awakening is Book One of The Cylinders. I've actually mostly finished writing this book, just working on a final draft. So, hopefully, it will be available soon for anyone interested in buying it. I will post a few chapters from it, as well as discuss where I received the inspiration.

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